ENJOYING LOCKDOWNWildlife Friendly OtleyMay 15, 2020Even though increased activity by wildlife is normal in springtime it appears that people are seeing birds, animals, bees, butterflies, insects and wildflowers where they haven’t been seen before, even in their own gardens.For the full story see https://www.wharfedaleobserver.co.uk/news/18408218.enjoying-lockdown---wharfedales-wild-animals/
Even though increased activity by wildlife is normal in springtime it appears that people are seeing birds, animals, bees, butterflies, insects and wildflowers where they haven’t been seen before, even in their own gardens.For the full story see https://www.wharfedaleobserver.co.uk/news/18408218.enjoying-lockdown---wharfedales-wild-animals/